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Website & Digital Marketing Checklist
for Small Business Owners

Utilize this step-by-step guidance to evaluate and optimize your business's existing online presence. Learn about the essential aspects of digital marketing to gain the confidence to manage the basics of your website and digital strategy yourself, without relying on specialists.

Choose Your Focus Areas

The sections are grouped by stages your business may be in on your digital marketing journey. Choose the stage that best represents your business in order to prioritize what to focus on during the workshop. You won't be able to get through everything in one day— that's okay!

Just Getting Started

You are working on a website for your business or already have one, but haven't implemented any digital marketing strategies yet. You're still learning what makes a website an effective marketing tool.

Ready to Expand

You already have a solid website for your business and you are already getting traffic (ie. website visitors). You want to learn how to get more traffic to your website so you can get more customers.

Ready to Optimize

You have a solid website for your business, and already use 1-2 digital marketing channels such as social media or email marketing. You're ready to refine your online presence to stand out from competitors.